Other famous authors describe their scribing process as throwing stuff on the wall, and see what sticks. I would love to be your wall (that sounds weird, and that's suddenly a bad thing)

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Holaa, aunque te escriba en castellano (por comodidad) te leo en ingles y ests muuy interesante lo que cuentas y sobre lo que quieres y ya estas escribiendo, con ganas d leer sobre la poetica de los rogues y la filosofia ya sea Nietzsche o cualquiera :)

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I, for one, am excited to see where this goes.

As for word vomitting and then cleaning up, I would argue you just phrased writing an initial draft as a biological process with the textual representation or encoding of some meaning. Classic choice of phrasing even if the image is inherently disgusting.

Let us see where this roguelite(?) journey of writing about the genre(s) will take you, and subsequently us readers, and enjoy the ride. For isn't that the foundationally enjoyable element of roguelikes/roguelites? The journey and its many variations as we explore and learn of the different elements that make up life, or perhaps just a singular game, to be better prepared for future encounters.

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